Juliette Brisman

Hi, My name is Juliette Brisman


9/11 widow and Author specializing in grief and loss and gaining tools for resilience.
Building Art

Professional Speaker

Family Therapist

Marriage Counselor

9/11 Widow

Published Author

Who is Juliette?

Licensed Therapist

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Professional Speaker, 9/11 widow and Author specializing in grief and loss and gaining tools for resilience.

Professional Speaker

Get ready, get set, let’s empower! As a former professional actress with a degree in Theater and Communications, I will inspire and educate your attendees through my own personal journey through loss, as well as my successes and failures along the way. Attendees will gain helpful tools and strategies to incorporate into their own lives. Are you ready?


A moving and poignant true story you won’t soon forget: A Heart returned is the memoir that will challenge your ideas about loss and the ties that bind.

Whether through therapy, at an event, or through my latest book, I’ll give YOU the keys to:

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"A Heart Returned" Excerpt

A Heart Returned Book

Check Out My Book!

A Heart Returned

A remarkable story of love, loss, and the ties that bind.

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